Bee Tree

Image may contain: tree, sky, plant, grass, outdoor and nature

Bee Tree

--from 2016 Valentines Adventure at Muleshoe

I believe this to be an American Elm tree. She is a very large and old tree. There are many small mesquite trees around her, looking almost like servants to this great Sister.

When I approached her, I hear a very low humming sound. I am cautious and look for a bee hive up on the branches. I do not want to attract Bee's attention so I ask her to be kind to me. I cannot find a hive, but I do find the bees… thousands upon thousands around the pre-mature buds on the branches of Tree. The humming and buzzing is coming from the entirety of Bee Tree. Bee is giving a voice to Tree, like they can only exist with each other. So I talk with her a while and tell her how beautiful and wise she is. She blesses me with a cool breeze and a sunny glint through her branches.

--Owl — at Muleshoe Bend LCRA Park, Lake Travis, TX.
