Drum with One Drum

Drum with One Drum
(call and response)

Down by the river we gather
To wash the waters with our cleansing prayers

Let us gather as one spirit
Sing with one voice
Dance with one rhythm
Drum with one drum
And love all things with one heart

Down by the well we gather
For the waters to drink of us and taste our love

Let us gather as one spirit
Sing with one voice
Dance with one rhythm
Drum with one drum
And love all things with one heart

Out in the rains we gather
To join with the storms and bring life back to Mother Earth

Let us gather as one spirit
Sing with one voice
Dance with one rhythm
Drum with one drum
And love all things with one heart

And may everyone be blessed by the many prayers we each make.

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin... All my relations

This is my Journey
-- Nate Long "Owl"

For the event "Global Drum Prayer" to be held August 29, 2017, supporting the evolution of peace, harmony, and compassion for future generations
