Which Feather Means More?
I talk with Wolf about my search for things or people that I feel I need to make me better. I know that Wolf is a tracker and a hunter and that he can move ahead of me then signal for me to follow when he has found the target. I have asked Wolf for help like this in the past with tremendous success. I talk with Wolf about these things, but this time I am told something unexpected. He tells me that by being who I am and by maintaining, if not improving my personal authenticity, that in a sense I am sending him out automatically, unconsciously and with a much more subtle intention. He says that it is like looking for a feather in the woods… if I search and search and find the feather, then I say "I own a very special feather now"… but if I go to the woods with an open intention and with trust and honor for myself, then the feather will actually find me … then I will say "I am so grateful that this feather has found me." So…. which feather will mean more to hang from my Waluta?
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